• Salary

​A monthly salary paid in 13 instalments during the calendar year. 13th salary to be taken in cash or in extra days off.

Regular salary increases, based on performance for most employees under Geneva contract. Your level of experience and academic qualifications are taken into consideration to determine the starting salary.

Salary scales are benchmarked against a mix of international NGOs, international organizations and companies from the private sector. Salary scales are reviewed on an annual basis.

  • Mobility Benefits

Accommodation during field assignments is arranged and fully covered by the ICRC. Compulsory medical check-ups and vaccinations are covered by the ICRC.

Travel between the employee’s contractual domicile and the assignment location at the beginning and the end of the assignment are arranged and fully covered by the ICRC.

Transport of luggage as unaccompanied freight between the employee’s contractual domicile and the assignment location, and back, is arranged and fully covered by the ICRC: 50 kg for the outward journey and 100 kg for the return journey for assignments from three months.

Hardship incentives of five to 15 per cent of the total salary in certain grades for employees after 24 months of employment, to be taken in cash or leave.

Cost-of-living allowances in the most expensive assignment locations.

After 24 months of employment:

- depending on the context, possibility to bring partner/spouse and children under 20 years of age on assignment;

- separation allowances paid when the employee’s partner/spouse (Sfr 1,000 per month) and up to four children (Sfr 500 per child per month) do not accompany him/her on assignment;

- primary and secondary schooling paid for accompanying children between three and 20 years of age at schools selected by the ICRC;

- up to Sfr 15,000 and 20 working days every four years for training in accordance with individual development plans (iDevelop).

  • Other Benefits and Insurances

Employees on mobile contracts with Swiss citizenship or prior residence in Switzerland contribute to the different schemes of the Swiss social security system:

  1. AVS, AI, APG (old age and disability insurances);
  2. AC (unemployment insurance);
  3. The premiums for these plans are deducted from the salary on a monthly basis.

Employees on mobile contracts who cannot be covered by the Swiss social security system participate in an internal social plan (CSS), which is broadly comparable to the AVS scheme, except for unemployment insurance which is not covered.

A generous occupational pension plan: the ICRC contributes 17 per cent of the pensionable salary (the employee contributes 8.5 per cent). Contributions are credited to the individual account at different percentages based on age. Possibility to take early retirement from age 58 and retirement at age 62. Swiss pension plans cover a wide range of risks (death, disability and old age).

Loss of earnings/salary continuance insurance in case of illness/accident for 720 days.

Employer contribution to health insurance premiums. Health insurance under Swiss law with favourable premiums.

Occupational and non-occupational accident insurance and a repatriation insurance.

Complementary death and disability insurances, including war risks.

  • Holidays and Leave

​Paid leave/holidays: between 20 and 27.5 working days per calendar year depending on age.

Maternity and adoption leave of four months and paternity leave of ten days. Possibility of working at 80 per cent (paid at 100 per cent) in the first year after childbirth.

One return trip to the employee’s contractual domicile and five extra days of home leave per calendar year for the employee and accompanying family members for assignments of 12 months or more.

Rest and recuperation (R&R) leave of five to 25 working days per year depending on the hardship level of the assignment. Sfr 200 per day of R&R leave to help cover expenses. For employees separated from their family, R&R leave is replaced by family visit leave at the same frequency.

  • Training

​Ten-day integration course (when possible) and several organization-wide and technical training courses available.


  • Contract

An open-ended contract for assignments beyond 12 months.

  • Salary

A monthly salary paid in 13 installments during the calendar year. 13th salary to be taken in cash or in extra days off.

Regular salary increases, based on performance for most headquarters (HQ) employees. Your level of experience and academic qualifications are taken into consideration to determine the starting salary.

Salary scales are benchmarked against a mix of international NGOs, international organizations and companies from the private sector. Salary scales are reviewed on an annual basis.

  • Benefits and Insurances

A generous occupational pension plan: the ICRC contributes 17 per cent of the pensionable salary (the employee contributes 8.5 per cent). Contributions are credited to the individual account at different percentages based on age. Swiss pension plans cover a wide range of risks (death, disability and old age).

Loss-of-earnings/salary continuance insurance in case of illness/accident for 720 days. Possibility to join a private health insurance with favorable premiums.

Employer contribution to private health insurance premiums.

Employer contribution to the annual Geneva public transport ticket.

After 24 months of employment: up to Sfr 15,000 and 20 working days every four years for training in accordance with individual development plans (iDevelop).

  • Holidays and Leave

Paid leave/holidays: between 20 and 27.5 working days per calendar year depending on age.

Maternity and adoption leave of four months and paternity leave of ten days. Possibility of working at 80 percent (paid at 100 percent) in the first year after childbirth.

  • Training

​A ten-day integration course (when possible) and several organization-wide and technical training courses available.